logo Bordeaux Master Class chirurgie dermatologique

Bordeaux Association in Dermatological Surgery

April 11 and 12, 2024
Advanced facial reconstruction surgery in Dermatology
Cadaver Course & Live surgery



We are very happy to welcome you for this 6th vintage.

Previous editions were received with enthusiasm by participants who were able to benefit from “advanced” training that some lacked, or to deepen their practice.

Intensive, the training takes place over two days in an interactive and friendly atmosphere facilitated by the number of participants limited to 24.

Our objective is to provide you with a clear, rigorous and coherent educational line to enable you to go further in your technical proposals in restorative dermatological surgery.

We hope that you will appreciate the complicity that binds the teaching team and contributes to the conviviality of this training.



Improve your practice
with our fresh head dissection course!

Thursday takes place all day at the Anatomy Laboratory of the University of Bordeaux (Campus Carreire), for group dissections on fresh heads where you can practice and learn from our experienced instructors.

Consult our programme for the list of proposed techniques.

We will then have the chance to meet for a half-day course in the operating theaters (live surgery) of the Dermatology Department of the Bordeaux University Hospital on Friday morning:


In the afternoon, your clinical cases and those of the guest of honor will allow a discussion with exchanges of points of view and proposals for reconstruction algorithms.

We will also enjoy a wonderful evening together on Thursday.

Once again welcome everyone!

  • Dr Olivier COGREL
  • Dr Jean-Michel AMICI


Dermatological repair surgery for facial skin tumors.

Educational line of the Bordelese School

➜ Detailed Programme

Palais de la Bourse de Bordeaux

Sponsors, get our prospectus ➜ prospectus@chirurgiedermato.org