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Bordeaux Association in Dermatological Surgery

April 11 and 12, 2024
Advanced facial reconstruction surgery in Dermatology
Cadaver Course & Live surgery


Legal Notice & Privacy policy


Bordeaux Association in Dermatological Surgery

"Association loi 1901", RNA W332023869

Dermatology Department of Saint André Hospital, 1 rue Jean Burguet
33075 Bordeaux - Nouvelle-Aquitaine, FRANCE
+33 9 73 29 26 26


Olivier COGREL, MD (editorial direction)
General secretary
Jean-Michel AMICI, MD

Technical team

Data hosting
INFOMANIAK (Switzerland)

Legal Notice

Intellectual property

Respect the intellectual property code: articles L. 122-5.2° and 3°a, article L. 122-4 & articles L. 335-2 and following: no reproduction or distribution of all or part of the elements and information of this website can be carried out without the written consent of the editorial manager of this site Mr. Dr. Olivier COGREL; its content is available for private and non-collective use.

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No right to use any content whatsoever on this site is granted.

Privacy Policy (GDPR & CNIL)

You can send data concerning you by this site to our association and its subcontractors via the forms of connection or subscription to our newsletter. In accordance with European law, you have the right to access and rectify personal information about you by writing to us..

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